During the Franco regime there was a clear regression of women's rights, with an open exaltation of domesticity and paternalism, among others. In 1944 the Civil Code of 1888 was reinstated, which led to the disappearance of the decision-making capacity of women within the family granted by the Second Republic. There was an obligation of the woman to follow up on the change of residence of the husband, and he became the legal representative of the wife, who lost any capacity for action without the consent of her partner.
With democracy and in particular, in those 80s, THE LEGAL IMPEDIMENTS that hindered equality were REMOVED and thus the Divorce Law (1981) and abortion (1985) were approved. Although the existing gender gap later led to many more laws, such as Gender Violence (2004), Homosexual Marriage (2005), Dependency (2006), or Equality (2007). Equality Law, is one of the most advanced in the world.

Some of the laws passed at that time are:
1978- Contraceptive pill
1981- Divorce
1985 - 3 abortion CASES
1988- Access to the Army
1989- Maternity leave

Soy frontalmente contraria al sistema de cuotas, más si cabe en un Cuerpo como es el de la Guardia Civil. No se puede imponer un mínimo de mujeres en especialidades como GREIM, GEAS u otras en las que la mujer se encuentra poco representada, si no superan las pruebas que garanticen el mejor servicio al ciudadano. Entiendo que las mujeres podemos estar donde nos propongamos sin necesidad de tener que conseguir un puesto por cuota.
I am frontally opposed to the quota system, even more so in a Corps such as the Civil Guard. A minimum of women cannot be imposed in specialties such as GREIM, GEAS or others in which women are underrepresented, if they do not pass the tests that guarantee the best service to the citizenship. I understand that women can be where we propose without having to get a position by quota.
Siempre he sido consciente de que, en el Cuerpo, las mujeres estamos en minoría y más aún cuando yo ingresé, en 1989, si bien nunca me he sentido ni me han hecho sentir extraña ni en el Curso ni en mis posteriores destinos.
I have always been aware that, in the Body, women are in the minority and even more so when I entered, in 1989, although I have never felt or been made to feel strange either in the Course or in my subsequent destinations.
Ana, en la Academia de Guardias Civiles.

A finales de los 80, se formó el primer equipo de rugby fememino en la Facultad de CC Físicas, nos entrenaba un jugador del equipo masculino. Tiempos de muchos terceros tiempos. Los chicos decían que es un deporte de brutos, jugado por caballeros...no había correspondencia, para el femenino.
At the end of the 80s, the first women's rugby team was formed in the Faculty of CC Physics, we were trained by a player from the men's team. Times of many third times. The boys said it's a brute sport, played by gentlemen... there was no correspondence, for the feminine
Esther, ex-jugadora de rugby

With everything that has already been done, it is not enough, the figures say that Spain continues to have one of the lowest female employment rates in the EU, below 60%, for the population between 20 and 64 years old. All this, despite the constant struggle for labor insertion and the reality of equal governments and the active participation of women in politics. Women spend two long hours a day in unpaid domestic and care work, more than men.
One of the consequences is the low birth rate in Spain, 1.3 children per woman of childbearing age, a rate far from that of replacement.