Law 31/1987, of 18 December, on the Regulation of Telecommunications
Before to this law, there was no regulation of the radio spectrum, at that time used exclusively by the State. This law put the necessary legal framework for the liberalization of terminal equipment and the development of modern telecommunications in Spain, framed in the unified European market.
There was a before and after of this ordination.

In the beginning, we placed a fact of great boom in Madrid, Barcelona and the Basque Country, the movement for the freedom of emission or free radios. There are three moments that respond to three specific milestones, which will give us a configuration of the period divided in a first moment that goes from 1976 to 1983 –years of the emergence of the movement–, a second that covers the years between 1984 and 1987 –expansion of the activityof these stations – and, finally, from 1987 to 1989, which would constitute the years of crisis that would close the chronological framework.

In the absence of regulation, free radios became a "movement of movements", accommodating in their programs the struggles of the rest of the social movements, becoming loudspeakers for their demands and spaces in which the struggles of each other flowed and converged, reinforcing them. Thus we found women talking about feminism, the movement of "insubmissives" to the army, the antimilitarist struggle, environmentalism, and neighborhood struggles, in each neighborhood. And the invisibility to which all these struggles were subjected in the generalist media were somehow reversed and these stations became authentic "vindicators" of the social movements.
These images correspond to broadcasts and programs on Radio Las Aguilas, in the Aluche neighborhood of Madrid.

Se emitía cada día, era una asociación de amigos, bien enfocada a que las emisiones se cumplieran al
punto, nosotros éramos pequeños al lado de la Voz de la Experiencia (Cadena del wáter), que extendía más
y más sus ondas a base de poner entenas en lo alto de los edificios de sus oyentes, quienes se prestaban
solícitos a ponerlas, sin miedo a impugnaciones.
punto, nosotros éramos pequeños al lado de la Voz de la Experiencia (Cadena del wáter), que extendía más
y más sus ondas a base de poner entenas en lo alto de los edificios de sus oyentes, quienes se prestaban
solícitos a ponerlas, sin miedo a impugnaciones.
It was broadcast every day, it was an association of friends, well focused on the broadcasts being fulfilled byPeriod, we were small next to the Voice of Experience (Chain of the wáter), which extended moreand more his waves based on putting entenas on top of the buildings of his listeners, who lent themselvessolicitous to put them, without fear of punishments.
ALBERTO, ex locutor de Radio Las Aguilas