Between 1985 and 1995 the natives of Latin America remained the largest contingent (aroundone in 3); those from the European Union were in second place, but lose relative importance(from 37.4% to 30.3%); in third place appeared those originally from Africa, who experienced the most growthspectacular (from 3.7% to 14.7%). They still did not arrive through the Mediterranean, they supported each other financially, to buy plane tickets. It was essential to already have an acquaintance in Madrid. The word immigration was not in common use, nor did we know about gentrification. This phenomenon, of social base that shows the result of a population and economic evolution in an urban space due to the settlement of social classes with greater economic capacity, did not yet occur. I find a very direct relationship in these two words, immigration in the 80s, settled in the center of many cities, that slowed the rise in the standard of living in those neighborhoods.On the other hand, the aging of the population favors in a notorious way, the displacement of the popular classes toperipheral areas, leaving the center available for new construction and speculation. With the immigrant population occupying the center of the cities, this aging was not so noticeable either.There was no talk of "immigrants", but of "aboriginality" (postcard Aboriginality), taking into consideration andto admiration, for other cultures and people who, without living in the self-styled European progress, were wise andrespectable in our eyes. It was the time of apartheid.
Law (organic) 7/1985, of 1 July, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain
1990: Release of Nelson Mandela
1990-1993: end of apartheid in South Africa. In 1992, Nelson Mandela attends the Olympic Games in Barcelona 92 and realizes the union between people that can trigger the sport, giving rise in 1995 to the famous match in South Africa that originated bonds of fraternity between players and public of different racial origin.

Cuando era estudiante viví en varios pisos compartidos, en uno de ellos compartíamos baño, cocina y salón, una sudanesa, una holandesa y yo. Cada una teníamos nuestra habitación. En una fase posterior, viví también con senegaleses, en ese mismo piso del centro de Madrid. (Esther).
When I was a student I lived in several shared flats, in one of them we shared a bathroom, kitchen and living room, a Sudanese, a Dutch and me. We each had our room. In a later phase, I also lived with Senegalese, on that same floor in the center of Madrid. (Esther).

The boy on the left, was a pelestino, the 2 who are next to me, Sudanese (Esther).
They still did not arrive through the Mediterranean, they supported each other financially, to buy plane tickets. It was essential to already have an acquaintance in Madrid.

Habitación en piso de estudiantes, con cartel de Ceesepe, cintas de cassette y una mesa camilla.
At the beginning of the nineties, a large number of rules were going to be issued that were going to draw little by little a very specific legislative panorama in the field of foreigners. On 9 April 1991, for the first time, a document was presented which seeks to formulate the lines of action of an immigration policy